Outstanding revenue claims to be paid in full Government has announced that farmers and landowners who have been waiting for payments, some since 2015,
for management undertaken to protect habitat and wildlife under agr-environment schemes are at last to be paid in full during July 2019. This will bring relief to many farmers who reached the limits of their borrowing months ago.

31 July deadline for Mid-Tier applications
The deadline is fast approaching to get your applications in for Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier, Capital Water Grant or any of the Wildlife Offers and the Countryside Productivity Scheme is open again for a further round of applications offering £3,000 - £12,000 for new farm equipment: but hurry deadline is 3rd Sept

Butterflies abound at last
After a relatively quiet few months for butterfly numbers, the blazing sun has brought them out in abundance. July can be one of the best months for many species; Meadow Browns, Skippers and Ringlets can now be seen dancing among wildflowers and grasses, and keep a look out for colourful beauties; Painted Lady, Peacock and Comma.

Conservation Covenants are intended to secure the heritage or natural value of areas of land for the future and will be a voluntary agreement between a landowner and a “responsible body”, such as a conservation charity or local authority. To be introduced in the new Environment Bill, the proposals have received overwhelming support from farmers and conservationists read more here.

Environment Bill
With the huge swell of public opinion regarding the state of the environment, climate change, plastics and effects upon our struggling wildlife, Government is finally listening and has set out how it plans to bring about change. For the latest in the July Statement read here.