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Farmers and landowners who claim any of the agricultural grants or subsidy must follow the cross-compliance rules,

to keep the land in good agricultural condition and maintain good animal welfare standards. During inspections farm practices come under the spotlight with measures taken to avoid water pollution and soil erosion assessed. With an estimated 0.1 - 0.3 tonnes of soil per hectare per year lost into water courses it is a serious issue. Cattle recording and missing ear-tags continue to be the most common breach found. For the latest rules on GOV.UK check here.   I can offer farm walkovers and advice to help keep those inspections trouble free, contact me.

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones are reviewed every four years by DEFRA and around 58%* of land is within an NVZ. To find out if you are in one you can check on the Environment Agency website here. The calculations to work out nitrate levels produced by livestock and the spreading of organic and manufactured fertiliser can be complicated, and must fall within the limits allowed for your land. As well as a map to show you understand high risk areas on farm, in January each year you should be planning your spreading and need to be able to provide records at inspection.

Contact me for help and for soil testing.

Farming Rules for Water

Also The 8 new Farming Rules for Water came into force in April 2018. If you are aware of being in a NVZ you are probably following the rules already. For those not in an NVZ and not claiming any farming grants or subsidy, yes these rules DO apply to you. The new rules are mainly about management of manures Contact me for a farm visit to discuss equine paddock management, or to look at options within the grants available for managing manure.

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